About us
We are a small/medium breeder located 30 minutes from Canberra (Australia) on 60 beautiful acres of land. We first began breeding Cavoodles in 2007 and prior to this we bred poodles dating back to 1999. We have a strong focus on health and temperament ensuring all our puppies get the best possible start to life. Our parent dogs are all thoroughly health screened and DNA tested prior to breeding to minimise the chances of our little ones developing congenital defects later in life. We also offer a 2 year health guarantee* (some conditions apply) so you can rest assured knowing that your new little family member isn't going to cost you thousands of dollars in vet fees later on.
Our puppies are raised in our purpose built indoor kennels which are fully insulated and climate controlled with heating and air-conditioning with each puppy pen having access via a doggy door to an outdoor courtyard meaning that our puppies learn to use a doggy door at a very young age and by the time they leave us they almost all are consistently toileting outside which makes toilet training a breeze if you have a doggy door installed and follow our instructions on toilet training. During adverse weather our mummy and daddy dogs love to snuggle up in their warm beds inside but mostly they prefer to be outside in the day runs chilling in the sun, playing in their pools or the dam or doing roomies around the paddock or their extra large dog runs. Attached to our kennels is a large puppy playroom/office. from 5+ weeks of the age the puppies come into the playroom 3-4 times a day for play time and socialisation. They love their time in the playroom and once they are all tuckered out they happily go off to bed for their naps. The puppies are socialised with our older dogs and also our cat whom absolutely adores the puppies and loves playtime with them.

Our guys don't all love to swim, but they definitely love hanging out at the dam, especially on a hot summers day!!
We thank our lucky stars everyday that this is the life that we have and that we get to spend it in our own little slice of paradise everyday with our beautiful fur babies.